Short history:
The beginnings – year 1927.
The church was closed between years 1940 – 1944.
The first building of the church, after moving repeatingly in a few houses – 1967.
The present building of the churs had been finalized in the year of 2001.
The pastors number who served the church untill now – 6
The present pastor – Damian Ion.
The history of Christian Baptist Church “Harul” Moldova Veche
The village of Moldova Veche belongs to Caraș-Severin county, from Banat region, România, and it’s situated at 4 km south to Moldova Nouă city, right near the shore of the Danube river. The ancient name of the village was “Mudava”, which came from dacians fortress with the same name. The historycal documents shows the existance of this land since the year 463 BC, and it was populated by dacians and getaes. (Dacia). The village was a strategic settlement, because it had a port to Danube river, and it was also a gate for roman empire colonization.
In Moldova Veche, as in the neighbor serbian localities, the christian baptist cult got in this teritory hard, mostly because of the oposition of the traditional church members, but all that matters in the end is that, in this localities there are baptist belivers, inspite all odds.
The first member who brought the baptist cult in Moldova Veche was brother Stefanovici Iva, who had been baptized in Deva city, in the year of 1927. This brother with his wife, Anca returned to Moldova Veche, and with brother Buriman Constantin help (a beliver form Coronini village, near Moldova Veche), they begun to preach The Gospel between the serbian people with romanian citizenship, from the specified localities. As a fruit of their work, brother Marcovici Mladen was converted, and he transformed his house in a local baptist church. In the following years of 1930’s, the church was pastored by pastor Ilie Craioveanu, who was also the pastor of the Christian Baptist Church from Moldova Noua city, since 1921.
In the year 1939, brother Antici Mladen got converted, and became in short time the pastor of the church. Even in persecution times, from the years 1940 – 1944, the baptist christians from Moldova Veche stood together, and in the year 1946 is taking place the first baptism after that period in Moldova Veche, in the Danube river.
To this special church event had camed the local brass band from Naidăș village (a locality near Moldova Noua city). The preachers for this event were pastors Meilă Sorescu and Ion Scobercea and they were translated in the serbian language by pastor Jora Novicici.
In year 1957, the church chooses brother Rață Nicolae to be her pastor.
In year 1961 the church from Moldova Veche is affiliated to the baptist church from Moldova Nouă. In this time, the deacon of the church was Antici Tomislav.
In year 1966 the church had formed the first brass band, and in year 1967, after moving repeatily from a house to another one, the member of the church decided to build the first building of the church.
God had answered to brothers prayers and builded the new church on the land gaved by deacon Iuliu Cosaș.
In the years of 1980 – 1990, the church was pastored by pastor Vrâncuța Ioan.
In the years of 1990 – 1997, the church was pastored by pastor Copriva Adolf.
From the year 1998 until now, the pastor of the church is Damian Ion.
In the year 2001, was finished the building of the present church, and the moment of dedication in the ministry, and the sanctification of the church took place in the date of 28 October 2001.